Information Technology Policy
of Government of Kerala (India), 1998
1. Information Technology (IT) is the world's fastest growing economic
activity. The IT industry has been found to be ideal for Kerala in terms
of its potential to generate opportunities and employment with little pressure
on land, environment and other resources. This is one of the most people-friendly
and environment-friendly industries of modern times.
2. The Government understands the enormous potential of Information
Technology not only as a tool for improving governance and creating more
jobs, but more significantly, as a means to greatly enhance the standard
of living of the people. Use of IT in enhancing the delivery of Government
services leads to a very responsive and transparent administration facilitating
the empowerment of the people and satisfying their right of information.
3. The Policy Statement addresses the following components.
Increased application of Information Technology in all walks of life.
Enhancing the IT industry base so as to make Kerala a very fertile location
for ventures in Information Technology.
Creating a robust State Information Infrastructure.
Human Resource Development for Information Technology.
4. To promote the use of Information Technology, the following mission
targets have been spelt out.
PC penetration of 10 per 1000 of the population by the year 2001.
All colleges to be hooked to internet by the year 2000 and all the schools
by 2002.
Internet kiosks in every Panchayat ward, and
Modernisation and integration of Government functions using Information
A High Power Committee has been proposed, chaired by the Chief Minister,
to co-ordinate and direct strategies to achieve rapid penetration and use
of IT in all sectors.
5. Kerala is a fertile ground for the growth of the IT industry. Government
realises the significance and potential of this sector in the economic
development of the State and will facilitate the creation of a sound IT
production base through conscious efforts and policy initiatives which
will combine the following:
Creation of IT-specific infrastructure in different parts of the State.
Removal of hassles in the regulatory environment, making it pro-active
and sensitive to the needs of the industry.
Incentives and concessions for IT ventures.
Special package for financing IT ventures.
Promoting Kerala as a location for IT investments.
Specific proposals include strengthening of Technopark and setting up of
Software Technology Parks and Software Complexes in major cities in the
State. A venture capital fund is also proposed to cater to the financing
requirements of the IT industry.
6. The establishment of a sound State Information Infrastructure with
a communication backbone, switches, nodes, access networks and data warehouses
has been identified a high priority area. The existing infrastructure will
be harnessed, developed and integrated to create an Information Infrastructure
that can effectively handle the traffic for several years to come.
The mission targets for SII have been spelt out as follows:
Connectivity at 2 Mbps to any user in the three major cities of the State
and at multiples of 64 Kbps in other parts of the State by the year 2000.
All District Head Quarters be provided with the connectivity of 622 MB
capacity by 1999, all Taluk Head Quarters by 2000 and all Village Offices
by 2002. Concurrently, one SII node in each Block by 2000 and in each Panchayat
by 2002.
Strengthening data warehousing for promoting trade, commerce and tourism
and for enhancing delivery of Government services, its transparency and
empowerment of the people.
7. Human Resource Development is a very critical aspect in the development
of Information Technology. The Government is seized of the urgency for
consolidating and strengthening the core competence of the state on the
human resources front to propel the development of IT industry.
The proposals in this regard include establishment of an Institute of
Information Technology, introducing Information Technology as a specialised
branch of study, development of Centres of Excellence in Information Technology,
creating a fund for up gradation of training/educational infrastructure
and introduction of a system for accreditation.
The future is here - let us be part of IT.
Full Text
NB: This is not an official publication.