Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This statement is not entirely true. Beauty exists in nature, that is why the eyes and the neural network behind it could perceive it.However, your dog would be seeing a world different from what you see as its colour vision is not as developed as that of humans. (Note that humans cannot see colour properly in subdued light. This is because the retina's light sensitive cells are of two types. Cells called rods are responsible for the 'night vision' we have while colour vision is contribution of cells called cones which are less sensitive to light.). A frog will be able to
distinguish between colours only in a vague manner whereas a monkey is having a vision similar to that of human beings.
The eye works like a video camera, its lens focussing light on to the retina. Like the photoelectric cells behind the video camera, the eye has light sensitive rods and cones. The cones contain pigments sensitive to different colours. As with a camera, The eyes too have to adjust for low light and day light conditions by switching between inputs from rods and cones. (This takes sometime. That is why you are unable to see anything on entering a cinema hall from outside).
Like the wires of the video camera, the nerve fibres carry the electrical signal from the rods and cones to the brain. The brain analysis colour in relative terms. So, we will see 'white' even when red light is falling of a while surface. (Recall the videographer adjusting for colour temperature).
Almost of a third of our brain is involved in visual processing. Without it complex system, we could not have been able to see the beauty that exists in nature. The brain is also responsible for certain proportions, points and patterns appear as beautiful to us. So, we have golden rules in architecture and photography.
This site does not deal with human eyes. (Several surfers visit this site looking for information on human eyes. Hence this brief introduction. This discussion is also complimentary to discussion on photography in the paper on advances of technology in journalism, at Cyber Resources for Journalists.) However, it features a number of photographs, showing beauty as it exists in nature.
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