Kerala Power System at a Glance: 2004-2005
Installed Capacity -M.W.  2617.22 
Maximum Demand -M.W. (System) 2420.00
Generation Per Annum-M.U.  6757.7 
Import Per Annum -M.U.  6265.11 
Export Per Annum - M.U.  119.43
Energy Sales Per Annum-M.U.  9384.40 
Energy losses (as % of energy available for sales)  26.22
Per capita Consumption- Kwh  400.00 
No of Generating Stations 30  
220 K.V. Lines- Circuit Km  2594.35 
110 K.V. Lines- Circuit Km  3802.5 
66 K.V. Lines- Circuit Km  2948.37 
11 K.V Lines- Circuit Km  34235.7 
LT. Lines- Circuit Km  207711
Step up Transformer Capacity -MVA   2363.63
No. of EHT Sub Stations  212
Step down Transformer Capacity -MVA  12432
Distribution- Transformer   
a) Numbers  36640
b) Capacity - MVA   4858.175
No. of Villages Electrified 
No. of consumers (in lakhs)  77.9 
Connected Load -M.W.  10333.51 
No. of Street lights  908016
No. of Irrigation Pumps  446366
Total Revenue per Annum (Rs. Lakhs) 359977.12
Sales of Power per annum 291736.21
Figures as on March 31, 2005.
In the Archives: 
Complete set of 2004, 2003, 2002 2001;   2000  figures.
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