Kerala at a Glance
Energy Efficiency
Power Projects
Plan Outlay
Average Tariffs
Source of Funds
Ongoing Works
Hydro Potential
Dams of KSEB
RE Policy

Kerala Power System at a Glance: 2003-04
Installed Capacity -M.W.  2615.71 
Maximum Demand -M.W. (System) 2426.00
Generation Per Annum-M.U.  4488.06 
Import Per Annum -M.U.  8015.41 
Export Per Annum - M.U. 
Energy Sales Per Annum-M.U.  8910.84 
Energy losses (as % of energy available for sales) 28.46 
Per capita Consumption- Kwh  386.00 
No of Generating Stations 28  
220 K.V. Lines- Circuit Km  2582.15 
110 K.V. Lines- Circuit Km  3730.64 
66 K.V. Lines- Circuit Km  2943.33 
11 K.V Lines- Circuit Km  33280.22 
LT. Lines- Circuit Km  201637.62 
Step up Transformer Capacity -MVA  2363.63 
No. of EHT Sub Stations  205 
Step down Transformer Capacity -MVA  11826.90
Distribution- Transformer   
a) Numbers  34758 
b) Capacity - MVA  4710.78 
No. of Villages Electrified  (all) 1384    
No. of consumers (in lakhs)  73.00 
Connected Load -M.W.  9910.15 
No. of Street lights  854584 
No. of Irrigation Pumps  430449 
Total Revenue per Annum (Rs. Lakhs) 406890.99
Sales of Power per annum (Rs. Lakhs) 275609.27
Figures as on March 31, 2004 or later.
In the Archives: 
Complete set of  2003, 2002 2001;   2000  figures.
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