Kerala Power System at a Glance: 2007
Installed Capacity -M.W.  2657.24
Maximum Demand -M.W. (System) 2742
Generation Per Annum-M.U.  7745.78
Import Per Annum -M.U.  8149.84
Export Per Annum - M.U.  1046.89
Energy Sales Per Annum-M.U.  11331.00
Energy losses (as % of energy available for sales) 23.43
Per capita Consumption- Kwh  465
220 K.V. Lines- Circuit Km  2653
110 K.V. Lines- Circuit Km  3846
66 K.V. Lines- Circuit Km  2976
33 K.V. Lines- Circuit Km 742
22 K.V. Lines- Circuit Km 157
11 K.V Lines- Circuit Km  37891
LT. Lines- Circuit Km  223370
Step up Transformer Capacity -MVA  2389
No. of EHT Sub Stations  272
Step down Transformer Capacity -MVA  12889.2
Distribution- Transformers   
a) Numbers  39872
b) Capacity - MVA  5241.26
No. of Villages Electrified  (all) 1384    
No. of consumers (in lakhs)  87.14
Connected Load -M.W.  11465.69
No. of Street lights  999599
No. of Irrigation Pumps  435673
Total Revenue per Annum (Rs. Lakhs) 455840.28
Sales of Power per annum (Rs. Lakhs) 400970.76
Figures as on March 31, 2007.
In the Archives: 
Complete set of 2006, 2005 2004, 2003, 2002 2001;   2000  figures.
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